Non-SIT LDSO Test Data
Non-SIT LDSO Test Data Approach & Plan
The Non-Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO) Test Data Approach and Plan sets out the Test Data approach and provides a detailed view of specific data requirements for the Non-SIT LDSO Qualification Testing. It currently contains information on test data needed for functional and migration. A further update has been issued below, to include information for non-functional and operational.
This document was issued for its first consultation which closed on 15 April 2024. Thank you to everyone who provided input and feedback.
The Programme triaged all comments, which were reviewed by the Qualification Working Group (QWG) on 14 May and approved by the Qualification Advisory Group (QAG) on 23 May 2024.
Non-SIT LDSO Test Data Approach & Plan
Since its approval, the Non-SIT LDSO Test Data Approach and Plan was issued for a second consultation which closed on Friday 19 July 2024. Thank you to everyone who provided input and feedback.
This updated version contained updates around Non-Functional and Operational test data requirements. The updated document along with a Consolidated Comments Log is available below:
Non-SIT LDSO Test Data Approach and Plan v2.0
Non-SIT LDSO Test Data Approach and Plan Consultation Consolidated Comments Log
Comments were triaged and discussed at the Qualification Working Group (QWG) meeting on 13 August 2024. Following this, the updated document was approved at the Qualification Advisory Group (QAG) on 22 August 2024.
Non-SIT LDSO Qualification Testing Test Data Matrix
We've published the Non-Systems Integration Testing (SIT) Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO) Qualification Testing Test Data Matrix, which contains information around the Test Data required for Non-SIT LDSO Qualification Testing.
This document should be reviewed by participants to ensure that they have the correct data to complete their Qualification Testing.
You can view v1.4 below:
Non-SIT LDSO Qualification Testing Test Data Matrix
If you have any questions, please email [email protected]