Code Drafting and Data Transfer Network
What's happened?
On Wednesday 15 January 2025, the Programme notified parties of an issue identified by the Retail Energy Code (REC) Code Manager regarding updates that were made to translate the MHHS Design into the MHHS version of the Energy Market Data Specification (EMDS).
This has been prepared for implementation at Programme Milestone 8 (M8) ‘Code Changes delivered’ and is the information that was provided to ElectraLink to update the Data Transfer Network (DTN) for MHHS Systems Integration Testing (SIT). We provided previous updates on 17, 23 and 24 January 2025.
Below is an update on progress to assess and resolve these issues.

Energy Market Data Specification (EMDS) Update
All discrepancies between the EMDS and the MHHS Design have been identified.
A list of the identified issues has been published on the Collaboration Base, alongside other Code Drafting changes required for M8.
An updated EMDS, showing the changes that will go live at M8, will be published by 28 February 2025.
Following agreement at the Cross-Code Advisory Group (CCAG) on 22 January 2025, the EMDS will be updated from Interim Release (IR)8.1 to IR8.7 at the same time as the identified discrepancies are corrected, i.e. by 28 February 2025.
All parties are reminded that they should continue to use the approved MHHS Design Artefacts for system build and testing rather than the Code Drafting given the need for parties to comply with the MHHS Design Artefacts and Swagger.
You can view the approved MHHS Design Artefacts, which should be referenced, via the following links:
Data Transfer Network (DTN) Update
On 24 January 2025, updates to the Data Transfer Catalogue (DTC) and DTN were published and went live to address errors identified in the MHHS updates to the D0400, D0401, D0403 and D0404 that had the potential to impact Systems Integration Testing (SIT).
Several additional errors were identified that do not impact SIT and the Programme is working with the REC Code Manager and ElectraLink to update these as part of an existing planned release of the DTC and DTN on 28 February 2025.
Following discussion at the Qualification Working Group (QWG) on 21 January 2025 and agreement with the Qualification Advisory Group (QAG) on 30 January 2025, further updates to reflect IR 8.7 will also be included in the 28 February 2025 update.
For additional transparency, a record of the changes that are being made will be published by mid-February.
For the avoidance of doubt, MHHS updates to the DTN ahead of Go-Live should only be used for approved testing purposes.
We will provide a further update by email at the end of February 2025 to confirm that the actions described above have been completed.
If you have any questions, please continue to email [email protected] and copy in the Programme Party Coordinator (PPC) team at [email protected]