Migration Design

Here you can find the baselined Migration Design Artefacts.

The Artefacts below articulate the technical process through which Meter Point Administration Numbers (MPANs) will be migrated from legacy arrangements to the new MHHS arrangements, and in the case of Reverse Migration, back to the legacy arrangements from MHHS arrangements.


Migration Design Artefacts Baselined

The Migration Design Artefacts were baselined following approval at the extraordinary Design Advisory Group (DAG), on 31 March 2023

Since then, the Programme has processed Design Issue Notifications (DINs) raised by Programme participants. These are published in the Design Issue Notification (DIN) Log, published on the Design Review Process page of this website.

Following review of the DIN Log by the Design Team, several Design Artefacts are being updated with red-lined changes for participant review. The Programme is publishing the Red-lined Design Artefacts through six Interim Releases, following the Design Review Process.  

The Red-lined Design Artefacts and accompanying Release Notes can be found on the Red-lined Design Artefacts page of this website.

The Migration Design was created in collaboration with industry through the Migration Design Subgroup (MDSG). 

If you have any questions on the Artefacts or wish to discuss Migration Design in more detail, please contact [email protected]


Migration Design Artefacts

Short Name Doc Number Sub Type Status Version
Change of Supply - Reverse Migration DEL-971 Business Process Descriptions Draft v1.2
Migration Design Requirements Log DEL974 Business Requirements Draft v1.2
Change of Service - Metering Service - Forward Migration DEL969 Business Process Descriptions v1.2
Change of Service - Data Service - Reverse Migration DEL973 Unclassified v1.0
Migration Design Document DEL961 Supporting Document Draft v1.4
Change of Service - Metering Service - Reverse Migration DEL-972 Unclassified v1.0
Change of Supply - Forward Migration DEL-962 Unclassified v1.0
Change of Service - Metering Service - Reverse Migration DEL-966 Unclassified v1.0
Change of Service - Data Service - Reverse Migration DEL967 Unclassified v1.0
Change of Supply - Reverse Migration DEL-965 Unclassified v1.0
Change of Supply - Forward Migration DEL-968 Unclassified v1.0
Change of Service - Data Service - Reverse Migration DEL967 Unclassified v1.1
Change of Service - Metering Service - Forward Migration DEL963 Business Process Diagrams Draft v1.4
Change of Service - Data Service - Forward Migration DEL970 Business Process Descriptions v1.1
Change of Service - Data Service - Forward Migration DEL964 Business Process Diagrams Draft V1.4
Change of Supply - Reverse Migration DEL-965 Business Process Diagrams Draft v1.2