Red-lined Design Artefacts

In February 2023, the Design Advisory Group (DAG) approved the re-baseline of the Design Artefacts.

Since then, the Programme has processed Design Issue Notifications (DINs) raised by Programme participants. These are published in the Design Issue Notification (DIN) Log, accessible below.  

Design Issue Notification (DIN) Log

Following review of the DIN Log by the Design Team, several Design Artefacts are being updated with red-lined changes for participant review. The Programme is publishing the Red-lined Design Artefacts through six Interim Releases, following the Design Review Process. The Interim Release schedule is available in the DIN Log, on the tab named ‘Release Timeline.’

Please use the links below to view the Red-lined Design Artefacts for Interim Releases 1-8.4:

Red-lined Design Artefacts: Interim Release 1

Red-lined Design Artefacts: Interim Release 2, 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3

Red-lined Design Artefacts: Interim Release 3

Red-lined Design Artefacts: Interim Release 4

Red-lined Design Artefacts: Interim Release 5, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5

Red-lined Design Artefacts: Interim Release 6

Red-lined Design Artefacts: Interim Release 7, 7.1 , 7.2 and 7.3

Red-lined Design Artefacts: Interim Release 8, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3 and 8.4

You can view the respective Release Notes for Interim Releases 1-8.4 in the library below.

Red-lined Design Artefacts will remain on this website until they have been approved, at which point the Baselined Design Artefacts will be updated.

The red-lined versions of the Design Artefacts should not be used by Programme participants to deliver against until they have been approved by the appropriate Programme governance forums. The Baselined Design Artefacts are published on the Baselined Design Artefacts page of this website.


Design Interim Release Notes

You can view all Interim Release Notes in the library below.  

For more information or if you have any questions, please email [email protected] 

Short Name Doc Number Sub Type Status Version
Design Interim Release 7.2 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved v1.0
Design Interim Release 3 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved v1.0
Design Interim Release 8.4 DEL1275 Unclassified Draft 1.0
Design Interim Release 8.2 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved 1.0
Design Interim Release 4 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved v1.0
Design Interim Release 8.3 DEL1275 Release Note Approved 1.0
Design Interim Release 7 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved v1.0
Design Interim Release 5.5 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved v1.0
Design Interim Release 2.3 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved v1.0
Design Interim Release 5 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved v1.0
Design Interim Release 8.1 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved v1.0
Design Interim Release 7.3 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved v1.0
Design Interim Release 5.3 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved v1.0
Design Interim Release 5.4 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved v1.0
Design Interim Release 7.1 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved v1.0
Design Interim Release 5.1 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved v1.0
Design Interim Release 2 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved v1.0
Design Interim Release 8 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved v1.0
Design Interim Release 2.1 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved v1.0
Design Interim Release 6 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved v1.0
Design Interim Release 5.2 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved v1.0
Design Interim Release 2.2 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved v1.0
Design Interim Release 1 Note DEL1275 Release Note Approved v1.0