Previous Iterations of Planning Documents

On this page you can view previous iterations of the Programme Planning Documents, which are:

  • MHHS Programme Plan (Microsoft Project)
  • MHHS Outline Plan (Excel)
  • MHHS Milestone Register 

This page is for information and is where all previous versions of the plan will be kept for participants' to review and refer to.

The live and latest version of the Programme plan is available to view on the Programme Plan & Complementary Documents page of this website.

The Programme will publish version 6.17 of the planning documents on Wednesday 29 January 2025.

If you have any questions about this, please email [email protected] 


Previous Planning Documents

Short Name Doc Number Theme Status Version
MHHS Milestone Register v6.1 MHHS-DEL1140 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.1
MHHS Outline Plan v6.15 (Projects Format) MHHS-DEL1139 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.15
MHHS Outline Plan (Excel Format) MHHS-DEL1139 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.13
MHHS Outline Plan v6.12 (Projects Format) MHHS-DEL1139 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.12
MHHS Outline Plan (Projects Format) MHHS-DEL1139 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.13
MHHS Milestone Register v6.11 MHHS-DEL1140 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.11
MHHS Outline Plan v6.12 (Excel) MHHS-DEL1139 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.12
MHHS Outline Plan v6.15 (Excel Format) MHHS-DEL1139 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.15
MHHS Programme Plan v6.0 (Projects Format) MHHS-DEL1139 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.0
MHHS Outline Plan v6.11 (Projects Format) MHHS-DEL1139 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.11
MHHS Outline Plan (Projects Format) MHHS-DEL1139 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.14
MHHS Milestone Register v6.0 MHHS-DEL1140 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.0
MHHS Milestone Register v6.14 MHHS-DEL1140 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.14
MHHS Outline Plan v6.0 (Excel) MHHS-DEL1139 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.0
MHHS Milestone Register v6.15 MHHS-DEL1140 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.15
MHHS Outline Plan v6.1 (Projects Format) MHHS-DEL1139 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.1
MHHS Milestone Register v6.12 MHHS-DEL-1140 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.12
MHHS Milestone Register v6.13 MHHS-DEL1140 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.13
MHHS Outline Plan v6.11 (Excel Format) MHHS-DEL1139 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.11
MHHS Outline Plan (Excel Format) MHHS-DEL1139 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.14
MHHS Programme Plan v6.1 (Excel Format) MHHS-DEL1139 Historic Planning Documents Approved 6.1