Design Assurance

Participant Design Assurance supports key MHHS Programme outcomes such as providing collective confidence in readiness for Testing and identifying where areas of Design support are needed by participants.

The benefit of Design Assurance is that it provides an opportunity for participants to identify challenges, receive support from the MHHS Programme based on individual needs, and supports validation of an individual organisation’s readiness for Systems Integration Testing (SIT) and Qualification.

The outcomes and outputs sought from Design Assurance are:

  • Verification of participants’ Design approach
  • The identification of potential Design risks or issues for participants that prevent them from tracking through Design at the pace required by the Programme ahead of entering SIT or Qualification
  • Individual feedback and recommendations to support participants’ Design Approach
  • Support for and builds confidence in participants' journey to SIT and Qualification by addressing challenges and risks early



There are two cohorts for Design Assurance:

  1. Cohort One: Core Central Providers
  2. Cohort Two: All other participants

Design Assurance Survey closed for Cohort Two: All Programme Participants

Thank you to everyone who completed the Design Assurance questionnaire. 

On 9 May 2023, we contacted Programme participants regarding the Design Assurance Questionnaire for Cohort Two, which is all Programme participants who were not in Cohort One (Core Central Providers).  

Cohort Two received the Design Assurance Questionnaire on 9 May and the response window closed on 30 May 2023. This survey was mandatory for participants who volunteered for System Integration Testing (SIT).

The survey was issued via an online form, but you can view the questions in Excel format below:

Design Assurance Questionnaire (Excel format)

We will circulate the questionnaire again later this year for participants who are not SIT volunteers to support with Design Assurance at the appropriate time. 

The Programme’s Design Team will review the questionnaire responses to understand the Design approach of each participant and their challenges. Once we have reviewed the responses, we'll engage with participants through bilateral meetings to understand challenges and support identifying solutions.   

Evidence Review

The Programme’s Design Team will review the questionnaire responses to understand the Design approach of each participant and their challenges.

Once we have reviewed the responses, the Programme will engage with participants through bilateral meetings to understand challenges and support identifying solutions.

We will produce a confidential assurance report for each participant, with a series of recommendations based on the challenges identified.

MHHS Webinar: Design Assurance Approach

In March 2023, we held a webinar to provide information on the MHHS Design Assurance Approach. You can view the slides, recordings and Q&A on the MHHS Webinars & Open Days page of this website.

For any questions on Design Assurance, please email [email protected]
